Leilani Lei

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My CO2 Laser Peel Experience
04/01/2024 11:22am

In trying to keep my face looking young, I have been doing different facials, products and chemical peels. It seemed like it was a slow process. I started thinking about fillers or possibly a strong laser peel. I arranged a consultation to discuss the different options available. Turns out to accomplish what I want, I like to be as natural as possible, a CO2 Laser Peel was determined to be the best option.

My appointment was scheduled out about 2 months. The day arrived. Merlin was driving me to the appointment, hanging around to drive me back home. I was asked if I wanted a valium. I said no and smoked a fat joint on the way to the appointment. They got me prepped by washing my face, putting numbing cream on, then shots to numb pain as well. They handed me a tube that gave off cool air for me to use on my face. With chemical peels it had been a small plastic fan. This was harder to control and keep on my face and not have it blocked by the doctor or tool he was using.

The machine was turned on and the first contact was made with my skin. Holy Fuck!! That was intense and I about came out of the chair. They wheeled in the laughing gas. I had never had laughing gas before, so that was an experience. I liked it, except it dried the hell out of my throat and every time there was intense pain, which was almost constant, I would pull it out of my mouth! gah

It was a crazy painful experience that I may never, ever repeat. I had a tube of cool air in one hand and the tube for laughing gas in the other hand. I was such a mess trying to work both and keep breathing to minimize pain. Yea, it didn't go well. 🤣

Since the procedure I have been in the recliner each night instead of my bed as they want my face elevated while resting to minimize swelling. My face looks absolutely disgusting right now. The everyday, multiple times a day cleaning process is to use vinegar water and gauze. Turns out my skin does not like vinegar water. I have raw skin spots on my face now. My skin is so tight, that I can't open my mouth very much. It makes it hard to eat, brush my teeth or talk. To be able to see when working on the computer, I need to wear reading glasses. Can't do that for very long because it hurts the skin.

I am such a mess and will likely be for the rest of this week. In case you are missing me on social media, know that I am home recovering and will reveal my face to y'all again soon!


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